Tuesday, August 3, 2010

With fresh strawberries


1 Stand mixer (or hand mixer)1 baking/cooking scale1 10-inch Tube pan (Also known as a Chiffon or Angel food cake pan)1 Baking pan
120g egg yolks (6 medium size egg yolks)90g sugar A.120g water120g olive oil15g coffee extract (espresso)2g vanilla extract180g cake flour7g baking powder320g egg whites (about 10 medium size egg whites)120g sugar
For Chantilly cream300g heavy cream30g sugar5g orange liqueur
For toppingfresh strawberries

1. Separate egg yolks and whites. The way that I used to separate egg yolks and whites (photo 1) is a very useful method when you have to separate many eggs. See Alexa’s Tip #1. on the bottom for details.

2-3. Put 6 egg yolks in a stand mixer bowl and start beating for about 15 seconds. Then, slowly add sugar A. while beating egg yolks at a medium speed.

4-6. Raise the speed to high and continue beat egg yolks and sugar until the color lightens (about 3-4 minutes). Add water and beat. Then, add olive oil and beat well

7-8. Add coffee extract and vanilla extract and beat until well mixed.9. Sift cake flour and baking powder. Add the flour mixture and beat at low speed until you no longer see any powder. Do not over mix. Set the mixture aside in a separate bowl.

Making meringue

10-12. Add 10 egg whites in a bowl and beat at medium speed. When it starts foamy, slowly add sugar B. while it is beating. Then, increase to high speed and continue beat. You want to have medium peak meringue for chiffon cake. If it’s your first time, beat a little bit longer until you have medium and high peak meringue, but make sure not to overbeat.
Folding & Pouring

13-15. Add half of the meringue to the batter and GENTLY fold in using a whisk or rubber spatula. Then, add the rest of the meringue and GENTLY fold in. I like using a whisk because it has less chances to kill air bubbles in meringue.

16. Prepare a tube pan by simply spraying water all around the inside and placing it on the baking pan. This must done before you pour the batter.17-18. Pour the batter into the tube pan up to 3/4 of the pan. Then, dip a chopstick (or any clean stick) in the batter and go around the pan once or twice to get the air out.

Baking & Cooling

19. Put the ENTIRE pan assemblage in the oven and bake for about 55 minutes. DO NOT OPEN the oven while it is baking.20. Take the pan out and test with a toothpick after 55 minutes. (You can open the oven now.) If it doesn’t come out clean, bake a few more minutes and check again. Repeat as necessary. When it is done, IMMEDIATELY turn the tube pan upside down and place it on a cooling rack.

Taking Out & Layering

21. Cool the cake completely before take it out of the pan.22. Run a metal spatula to around the inside of the pan to separate it from the cake. Remove the cake from the side of the tube pan.23. Run a metal spatula to separate the bottom of the tube pan from the cake

24. Put the cake board on top of the cake and flip it over.25. Remove the bottom of the tube pan.26. Slice the cake in three layers.


27. Make Chantilly Cream (Whipped Cream) and apply two layers of Chantilly Cream.28. Put a thick layer of cream on the top and put enough in the center to cover the cake. Then, put the cream around the side. Make it pretty as you want! I sliced fresh strawberries about 1/4-inch thick and put around the cake. Also, sliced whole strawberries with the stem on and decorate them on top of the cake.

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